Aliens: Fireteam Elite came out recently, giving both fans of the Alien franchise and cooperative shooters something to chew on for the next few weeks. When it comes to gameplay, anyone even slightly familiar with modern third-person shooters should have no problem acclimating to the mechanics.

RELATED: Things We Love About Aliens: Fireteam Elite (And Things We Don't)

All the same, the following beginner tips below should help make the first playthrough more manageable and enjoyable. With some slight adjustments to the strategy and loadout, previously difficult encounters can be cakewalks. With a Metacritic score of 70, most agree Aliens: Fireteam Elite won't knock people's socks off, but it will provide some entertainment.

Updated January 15, 2022, by Jason Wojnar: It appears that Aliens: Fireteam Elite just came and went. It is particularly unfortunate to hear because the game is based solely on cooperative play. If there is a small or non-existent community, then it robs new players of half the experience, as there are few people to play with.

There was a second season of content released which adds a new gameplay mode, though it is currently unknown if the game has a future beyond this. All the same, there is still fun to be had within the game and any fan of the Alien franchise should give it a go. If they do, they should also read the list below with some beginner tips. Two more entries have been added in this update to the list, to further encourage new players to give the game a shot.

12 Play With Friends

aliens fireteam elite jars of pathogens

It is possible to play Aliens: Fireteam Elite solo. AI companions will be assigned to players in cases like this. However, the game shines best when players team up and do missions together. To get the most out of the experience, players should coordinate with their own friends and go through the campaign together.

Especially when tackling harder difficulties, teamwork is tantamount to success. The easy and normal difficulties are easy enough, but strategy and proper class combinations are almost mandatory to beating levels on harder modes.

11 Grind Early Levels For The Challenges

Aliens: Fireteam Elite players fighting a xenomorph

Like most living games, Aliens: Fireteam Elite features weekly challenges given to players. These range from completing a certain level to completing any level while fulfilling some sort of requirement. If these are general challenges players can do in any level, it is recommended to try these in the early missions.

RELATED: Aliens: Fireteam Elite Vs. Alien: Isolation - Which Is The Better Alien Game?

They are the easiest, and it is helpful to have one mission under one's belt and fully in memory to make these challenges easier. Completing these missions gives players essential experience.

10 Play On Standard

mission launch menu aliens fireteam elite

There are three difficulty modes to choose from at first, with additional ones being unlocked after completing the campaign for the first time. Of the available options, is recommended that new players start on Standard.

Casual is too easy for the average player, while Intense is punishing and best reserved for a second playthrough with friends who are geared up with the right loadout and attachments. Standard provides just enough resistance to remain engaging throughout the 12 missions.

9 Check Tactical Opportunities

tactical opportunities aliens fireteam elite

Like most multiplayer games, there are daily and weekly goals to accomplish. To access this, pause the game and put the cursor to the bottom left of the screen where the words "Tactical Opportunities" are written in blue. Most of these are easy to accomplish through normal play.

Others require the player to beat a certain mission. Pay attention and redeem these for extra Requisition Credits and Reputation Scrip.

8 Get Good At Dodging

aliens fireteam elite jars of pathogens

The dodge is an excellent friend to have in this cooperative shooter. If one's timing is good enough, most attacks can be dodged by simply rolling out of the way.

A few enemies can take out up to 500 health with one brutal attack, so one good dodge can mean the difference between failure and success. There is a stamina bar, but it recovers quickly and one can dodge several times in a row before having to regenerate it.

7 Players Fight Synths In The Second Area

fighting synths aliens fireteam

There are four main operations divided into three levels each. Fortunately, players face off against more than just Xenomorphs. In the second operation, the marines mainly face off against humanoid synthetic enemies.

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When fighting these enemies, just standing in the middle of the room and shooting will not suffice. Play it like a more traditional cover-based shooter when facing off against synths. When the heavy enemies come, shoot the tank on their back as a weak point.

6 Bring One Automatic Weapon And One Single-Shot Weapon

loadouts aliens fireteam elite

When heading into battle, Marines bring in two weapons and a side-arm. The options are different, but they both offer a variety of automatic, semi-automatic, and single-shot weapons.

Generally, it's best to keep one automatic and a closer range, single-shot or semi-automatic weapon. That way, players can shoot them from a distance and then whip out a heavier, close-quarters weapon once the enemies get closer.

5 Use Incendiary Rounds For Xenomorphs, Electric Rounds For Synths

aliens fireteam elite gameplay dead xenomorphs

All weapons have normal ammunition, but certain consumables give different types of ammunition. When a level is primarily based around fighting Xenomorphs, keep the consumables mainly fire-based. When synths are the main enemy of a stage, stick with electric rounds.

There are special turrets that also use electric rounds and incendiary rounds, and making sure they match the enemies' weakness turns the tide of the battle in your favor.

4 Smaller Enemies Are The Main Enemy Of The Third Operation

Small enemies aliens fireteam elite

The third operation sees the player going on an Alien spaceship to fight the threats there. In here, tiny, crab-like creatures are introduced as the main threat. These creatures don't have a lot of health, but their strength is in their numbers.

With this in mind, it is absolutely essential to bring an automatic weapon into the fray. Bringing only single-shot weapons is a surefire way to be overrun quickly.

3 Spend Requisition Scrip On Challenge Cards

park's special stock

Requisition Scrip is a rarer currency used to buy aesthetic items and Challenge Cards. Since the former are largely unnecessary, it is recommended to spend the money exclusively on the latter.

Unless you really need to have a certain item, Challenge Cards are actually helpful at leveling up characters and making harder levels a little easier. Certain Challenge Cards make the level harder in some way but reward more experience and currencies, while others make the level easier in some way without a penalty.

2 Use The Human Tank Card Wisely

challenge card menu

Be aware that failing a mission sends the team back to base, forcing the player to try the level from the beginning. Most missions take between 20 and 30 minutes, so it is extremely frustrating to lose at the last stand and have to start the entire mission from scratch.

With this in mind, don't be afraid to use the Human Tank Challenge Card, especially if you are playing alone. This Challenge Card doubles the base health. Taking every opportunity to earn them will net the player with at least three or four, more than enough to make it through the later, harder levels.

1 Use Med-Kits Before Picking Up Another One

Aliens Fireteam Elite A Colonial Marine

Each space marine can only hold one med-kit at a time. Anyone playing alone is best served using the med-kit in their inventory when another one shows up in a level to take full advantage of the item.

If one player is utilizing the Doc class, then someone can give up their med-kit to resupply the Trauma Station ability. During a sequence where players have to defend a point from enemies, wait until after the sequence to replenish health to make the most of the item.

MORE: Best Games Like Aliens: Fireteam Elite