Real Life Donkey Kong .jpg

Recently I have noticed that my love for gaming has started beginning to slip into the outside world, in a not so good way. Just to make sure I'm not the only one going semi-insane, I decided to share my now game-altered thoughts. Don't worry, I'm not ready to be committed just yet.

Here are the ten real life reasons why I know I'm a gamer!

10.) Every time I put on a hat I secretly wonder if it will give me a super power or at least the ability to turn into metal.

9.) When my day starts to turn to crap, I wish I could go back to an earlier checkpoint.

8.) When there is a crappy driver in front of me, I wish I had a red shell to take care of them.

7.) When my friends and I are hanging out, I wonder that if we had to fight another group of guys, which one of us would be the healer.

6.) I have a permanent and irrational fear of barrels, and anything else canister-shaped for that matter.

5.) I wish there was a guide I could refer to with a strategy to handle seemingly unanswerable situations in my life.

4.) I wish there were mini awards to congratulate me on successful completion of everyday task. "Successful completion of getting dressed" 10 achievement points.

3.) On days when I'm sick, I wish I could go and hide behind a wall for 30 seconds and come back with me at 100 percent health.

2.) At work, I have estimated I have about 538 more experience points to go until I get that promotion.

1.) When I get afraid of the thought of death, I wish I could just ' up up down down left right left right B A Start.

So what do guys feel like are some real life symptoms of you being a gamer?