The Boys season 3 has new recurring characters, and the actors portraying them have been revealed. The new characters in the upcoming season of The Boys will join returning favorites played by Karl Urban, Jack Quaid, Anthony Starr, and more.

The Boys season 3 will introduce Jensen Ackles' Soldier Boy, the first superhero from Vought, and explore his actions during World War II. Now, Deadline reports the cast of season 3 will also include Frances Turner as Monique, the wife of Mother’s Milk. Additional newcomers to the series include Kristin Booth and Jack Doolan as super siblings Tessa and Tommy, also known as the TNT Twins.

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The third season of The Boys will pick up right where the second one left off. Season 2 unveiled a lot of secrets and dropped a lot of bombs on fans. Characters were killed off, super children were introduced, a new threat was revealed in the final moments, and the superhero world is continuously being exposed. It's unclear if this season will follow up or be close to the graphic novel storyline because the showrunners have taken some creative freedom with the show. Fans have been enjoying the books as well as the series, and both are often considered to be very dark and brutal in comparison to other superhero stories.

The Seven in The Boys

The Boys has done a good job at showing that superhero shows don't have to be bright and campy in order to succeed. The show is known for being brutal, dark, grounded, and very realistic in the sense that it shows real consequences to the events that happen in the series. Invincible is another project from Amazon that also showed superhero series can be bloody and gritty.

That said, Marvel isn't against having darker projects. Deadpool 3, Punisher, and even Daredevil have darker content in comparison to the live-action Avengers films, which are known for being bright and lighthearted in order to account for its super-large fanbase.

There's a market for everybody. Some people like projects that are more violent, while others prefer the softer stories. Neither is the wrong choice and neither is better than the other. At the end of the day, a story is a story, so if it's good, then that's all that matters, regardless of how brutal it is.

The Boys seasons 1-2 are now available on Amazon Prime Video.

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Source: Deadline