While some games boast of sales or subscription numbers, THQ chose to go a different route with Saints Row: The Third. Instead of talking about how many units of the over-the-top game they moved, or how many after market online passes were purchased, they want the world over to know that over 2 Million Steelport Citizens have been taken out by the game’s IED, or Inspirational Erotic Device.

For those who might not know what the iconic IED in Saints Row: The Third is, let’s just say that it’s big and purple and was censored in Japan. That’s not the only stat that THQ chose to reveal, the game worldwide also boasts 650 hot dog mascots being cooked by a flamethrower and two years worth of time spent streaking. But these stats aren’t meant to signify any specific milestone for Saints Row: The Third, they are meant to usher in some new features.

Those new features in question are a set of in-depth stat tracking tools that will help players connect with the Saints Row community as well as assist them during their playthrough. The first new feature on SaintsRow.com is a new stat and achievement tracker which helps chronicle all of your crazy exploits while in the world of Steelport.

Players can compare their stats with either the Saints community at large, or simply with a friend. Many of these stats, like total car surfing time or how many pedestrians have been run over, are accessible from within the game, but the comparison features are not.

The other new feature, also accessible at SaintsRow.com, is a new map of Steelport. But this isn’t just any map, it allows players a top down view of the city with a live feed of in-game activity. To top it off, players will be able to “tag” specific areas with helpful hints or screenshots to assist other players in their Steelport adventures, or simply to celebrate some of their crazier moments.

Both of these new features are available now at SaintsRow.com.

Which of these new features do you think you could have benefited from the most during your Saints Row: The Third playthrough? What has been the craziest scenario you have experienced thus far?

Saints Row: The Third is available now for the PS3, Xbox 360, PC, and OnLive.