Construction and management sims are famously testy, with plenty to do and just as much that can go wrong while doing it. Being responsible for a colony is hard, and RimWorld makes that abundantly clear. Though sometimes it's a single large disaster that pushes things over the edge, it's more often a series of small problems that overwhelm the colonists and then the colony.

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Helping one's pawns survive the procedurally generated planets of RimWorld is no easy task, and at times they seem bent on their own misery and destruction. It is difficult, but with careful planning, plenty of effort, and the occasional horrific solution to even more horrific problems, the player can coax their pawns back from the breaking point. Here's everything the player needs to know to keep moods high.

Remove The Bad

Rimworld Colonist Traits

There are two main ways to keep moods high in RimWorld: add good things to pawns' lives or take bad things away. Each of those options can be pursued in several ways based on the needs of the colony and available resources. One basic way that a player can keep moods high is by paying attention to each colonist's Needs tab, watching for negative thoughts that can be taken care of. Adding good things to their lives is important, but preventing bad things from festering is even better and will prevent colonists from taking up arms against one another later.

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With enough negative things in their life, it's possible for a pawn to enter the Extreme Break risk zone even if other things are going well, which is part of what makes the game such an amazing simulation. The player can buy themselves time to deal with the crisis by having the pawn go to sleep, anesthetizing them, or putting them in a cryptosleep casket.

If the problem is extreme, extreme measures can be taken: fitting colonists with a Joywire implant (boosting their mood but harming their consciousness) or installing and then removing peg legs. It's solutions like these that have made RimWorld and its strategies notorious, but all options must be considered if the colony is to avoid utter collapse. Even the Psychopath trait can be useful, since colonists with it aren't upset by the death of the colony's beloved animals.

Add Some Good

RimWorld Gameplay Screenshot

No one wants to live in disorder and filth, and having a cramped, dirty, and ugly colony is a quick way to destroy the mood. Beautifying the colony can huge difference, so it's something that every player will want to prioritize. Requiring mandatory recreation time throughout the day also helps as it will let colonists vent their frustrations and make the colony more stable in the long run. Traits like Sanguine and Iron-Willed go a long way, too.

Wearing tattered clothes hurts mood, so make sure that colonists' outfits have 50% durability or more when possible. Colonists are also sensitive to the size and quality of their bedrooms, so improving those can be helpful, though it isn't a good option for an emergency fix. Something as simple as giving colonists chairs at their workstations and comfy beds can mean the difference between a satisfied colony and one that's spiraling down into darkness.

Art, artifacts, lavish meals, and drugs can all improve colonists' moods, and it's important to remember that whereas only one or two colonists will benefit from having an improved bedroom, the entire colony can benefit from well-adorned and comfortable recreation and dining areas. With their moods uplifted, colonists can finally get back to their simulated farms.

RimWorld is available now for PC.

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