Rage Co-Op Pre-Order

Game Rant's 10th most anticipated game of the year, RAGE, has shown us plenty of its single-player mode. The game, developed by id Software, and published by Bethesda Softworks is shaping up to be one of 2011's heavy hitters, and like any blockbuster shooter, Rage will feature multiplayer. It would be weird if the developer of both the Doom and the Quake franchises didn't add a multiplayer component to their newest game, but they've been quiet about it. Until now.

Not content to release a substandard excuse for multiplayer, RAGE promises to deliver a unique multiplayer experience that combines the best of both vehicular combat and run-and-gun shooting. The game's flagship multiplayer mode is called Rage Combat Rally. Creative Director Tom Willits promises that the mode will do away with the typical "drive forth and kill" tactics that such games typically employ.

Rage Combat Rally supports four players, and the developers are working towards six, but we can only see if it works as a part of the final game. Match time, which is user-adjustable, is approximately three minutes. As for the actual game, it is a combination of classic deathmatch and  the Race game type seen in Halo. Aside from killing enemies, players will score points by driving through rally points, which grant multipliers for the overall score. There are several variants on the mode which each carry different victory conditions: Team Rally, Chain Rally, and Vehicle Deathmatch. RAGE will make use of stats and a persistent profile to detail level progression and unlock more vehicles, weapons, and upgrades. The game is set to ship with at least five Rage Combat Rally maps, with DLC being a very likely option for more maps in the future.

In addition to multiplayer, RAGE, will feature a co-op mode in the style of Modern Warfare's Spec Ops mode. Instead of just dumping more players into  a campaign designed for one player, the game will feature a mode dubbed Legends of the Wasteland in which players get to play out legendary missions as characters mentioned in Rage's single player mode.

Matt Hooper, lead designer, says:

"You know, when the sheriff of Wellsprings talks about the time when he and a couple of the boys walked into town after the Shrouded had taken over."

These missions will allow two players to work through specialized side missions with more enemies and some two person puzzles. The team hasn't decided on the details of the mode, such as how many levels there will be, and whether they will need to be unlocked.

id Software also shed some light on the pre-order bonuses for Rage. Gamers who pre-order can get the Rage: Anarchy Edition, and with it some gear, weapons, and a mission. Today we posted 5 minute Rage gameplay trailer along with screenshots of the gear and guns. The Anarchy Edition also comes with a Double Barrel Shotgun, the Fists of RAGE (not your regulation boxing gloves), a custom vehicle called the Rat Rod Buggy, and a set of Crimson Elite armor.

The bonus mission is called Wasteland Sewer, though we're left in the dark as to what that mission is. The Anarchy Edition is free with pre-order, and it is not known whether any of the bonus content will ultimately be available as DLC.

Players concerned about the reported 15-hour game time should consider that the most popular FPS games clock in around 10 hours, without a unique co-op mode. Even if the co-op is included in those 15-hours, the multiplayer mode adds re-playability to the title, and id Software has established itself as a multiplayer king

RAGE will be available on September 13, 2011, for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC.


Source: 1UP