When asked "What is the best movie of all time?", most people are going to give wildly different answers based on their own personal tastes. What works for one person might not work for another, and while one person's favorite film might be a romance, someone else might favor an action movie if asked the same question. However, there seems to be one movie that is kind of universally agreed upon to be one of the best no matter one's specific tastes, and that is Paddington 2.

This movie is pretty much universally adored, and even achieved the much-coveted 100% on Rotten Tomatoes at one point, beating out Citizen Kane for the most widely-liked movie of all time. So what exactly is it about this movie featuring an anthropomorphic bear that has so thoroughly engaged audiences everywhere? What is the magic factor that makes the movie so widely adored and respected by critics and audiences alike?

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People loved the first Paddington as well, but the sequel happened to be one of those rare incidents where the follow-up film is better than the original. While both movies carry the same tone and the same gentleness, there's just something about Paddington 2 that elevated all of the good things about the first movie and made them even better and more endearing. It almost instantly became a lot of people's comfort movie, and really is a perfect film to throw on when one is feeling down and/or needs to be reminded of the good that still exists in the world.


The performances from the main cast are fantastic, especially Ben Whishaw as the voice of Paddington himself. There is a sincerity to all of the performances that is different from the way that many might approach a movie for children. There are no tongue-in-cheek references or winks to the camera that indicate that they know they're in a silly movie that's not for adults; rather, everyone is completely dialed in to their roles, even when their character is somewhat ridiculous, like Hugh Grant as Phoenix Buchanan. This helps to elevate the film in a certain way, and it's so much more fun to watch a movie when you can tell that the cast loved being a part of it.

One of the main elements of Paddington 2 is how the entire neighborhood doesn't function in quite the same way when Paddington isn't there, and it becomes clear what kind of effect he's had on the lives of those around him, bringing them joy and community that they perhaps hadn't experienced before. In a way, the movie is all about the importance of community, and how connecting with the people around you just makes life better. This is even seen in the scenes of Paddington in prison, where he manages to bond with the other prisoners and bring out the best traits in them.

paddington 2

That in itself is one of Paddington's main character traits - he firmly believes in and brings out the best in others. He doesn't see the other prisoners as a group of irredeemable criminals, he sees human beings with special talents that should be valued just as much as anyone else. He sees the good in everyone, almost to a fault as it makes him very trusting of even those who wish to do harm, but watching Paddington interact with the world around him makes the audience want to be that positive and optimistic as well.

So many films and TV shows are cynical and sarcastic, but the Paddington movies bring a genuine sincerity that stands out and sticks with viewers. There are still plenty of humorous moments, but they're not at the expense of anyone or punching down in any way. As movies for children, they work well to provide a good example for kids and show them media that isn't violent or mean-spirited, but it's also a refreshing watch for adults for those same reasons. The movies have a universal appeal because they speak to the part of everyone that just wants to see people being nice to each other and envision a more utopian view of the world.

This isn't to say that only good things happen to Paddington or that he only interacts with good people. There are moments of sadness and conflict, just like there are in life. He is sad that his Aunt Lucy cannot visit him and that he loses her present, and feels that his family has forgotten about him while he is stuck in prison. However, it's the way that he responds to those troubles and always tries to have a positive outlook that really sticks with fans. It's a reminder that no matter how good or kind you are, bad things are still bound to happen every once in a while. It's the way that a person responds to those moments that matters. It's okay to feel feelings - even bad ones - sometimes, and Paddington reminds us that it's okay to feel low in life; things do eventually get better.

paddington 2

When it comes down to it, Paddington 2 is incredibly kind. It's a movie about good people being kind to each other and the world, despite any (albeit silly) conflict around them. It's a refreshing dose of positivity, especially in a world marked by so much uncertainty. It's the perfect thing to watch if one is feeling down, because it just restores a lot of hope in humanity, and particularly in how art can be used to bring joy to people. It would be difficult to find anyone who objects to Paddington 2's messaging and general vibe, because it's just universally appealing and can be enjoyed even by those who never thought they would. If Hollywood would only produce more Paddington movies, perhaps we'd all be better off.

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