343 announces that along with new maps, modes, and weapons, The Cartographer's Gift DLC for Halo 5: Guardians will add advanced controller options as well.

So far, 343 has been true to its promise of regularly updating and continuously supporting Halo 5: Guardians. The next big expansion for the game is coming next week, in a free update called The Cartographer's Gift, and, along with its previously announced content, it will also be bringing with it advanced controller customization options for all players.

As announced by 343, Halo 5: Guardians will receive advanced controller customization options that will allow players to adjust the game's Look Acceleration, Inner Dead Zone, and Outer Dead Zone. When the update goes live, these three functions will remain at their default settings, but players are able to tweak them in the pause menu as they would the button layout or look sensitivity, for example.

The two most interesting customization options are the Inner Dead Zone and Outer Dead Zone. By allowing players to tweak the Inner Dead Zone, this will potentially prevent the right analog stick from "drifting" even when the player is not touching it at all. This is a problem that occurs mainly through natural controller wear and tear, but players should be able to fix it by increasing the Inner Dead Zone.

The Outer Dead Zone, meanwhile, can be increased to respond to 100% controller input. Players that are experiencing slow turning problems will want to consider tweaking that particular setting. 343 recommends that all players play with these settings to see what works best for them, but anyone that is satisfied with Halo 5 as it is now can simply leave these new advanced controller option settings untouched, of course.

The more dedicated Halo 5 players will likely appreciate these advanced controller options being added to the game. 343 really seems to be going the extra mile with the December update, as not only will it be adding new maps, modes, weapons, REQ packs, and the aforementioned advanced controller options, but it's also bringing to the table the much anticipated Forge Mode.

343 is adding fairly significant content to Halo 5 with December's update, and it will be interesting to see if it draws back any lapsed players that have stopped playing the game for whatever reason. The advanced controller options will appeal directly to the hardcore gaming community, as it gives them more freedom than ever before to tweak the Halo experience to their liking, and the new maps and modes should be enough to convince fans to boot the game up once again. Hopefully 343 continues to keep the Halo 5 community engaged with updates like The Cartographer's Gift and the previously released Battle of Shadow and Light update as we move into 2016.

Halo 5: Guardians is currently available as an Xbox One exclusive. The advanced controller options and the rest of the Cartographer's Gift content will be available for the game at some point next week.

Source: GameSpot