There’s no denying that Grand Theft Auto V, while set in the same general area as GTA: San Andreas, looks a whole lot better than its predecessors. Trying to echo that point, one wily gamer has put together a comparison trailer that highlights many similar looking locales in San Andreas, and places them alongside their counterpart in the GTA V trailer.

While the GTA V versions look stunning when compared to the blocky, and downright ugly, depictions in San Andreas, it’s still interesting to see how Rockstar Games pays homage to its past series.

Obviously drawing comparisons between certain locations in San Andreas and those in GTA V might be a bit of a stretch (kind of like trying to hear Ray Liotta’s voice in the trailer when the actor has clearly denied it’s him), but, on the whole, this comparison trailer is pretty eye-opening.

See for yourself:


Most interesting to see is how far the character and car models have come since San Andreas made its debut on the PS2. Now, with some pretty stunning visual textures (perhaps inspired by the GTA IV mod community) at the helm, Rockstar can make gamers cringe when they see the dated graphics they thought were amazing.

There’s still plenty more we don’t know about Grand Theft Auto V, including who will be the game’s protagonist, whether it will allow multiple players, and, most importantly, when it will release, but this first trailer has shown a clear decision on Rockstar’s part to preserve their original image.

The visual quality is absolutely improved, probably not of the kind that gamers would see on a PS4 version of GTA, but still the game looks very good. And, if some early leaked details about the game are true, gamers might even get to reconnect with some old friends from San Andreas. It’s all coming full circle in GTA V, and we can’t wait.

What iconic San Andreas locations are you excited to see realized in the GTA V engine? How would you like to see Rockstar pay homage to their work in San Andreas?

Grand Theft Auto V should be heading to all major platforms next year.

Source: YouTube