The diversity of Genshin Impact characters continuously bestows a sense of curiosity for the Travelers to explore. Sadly, some of this diversity isn't as accessible as a few others. For example, it's easy for players to gain Constellations of 4-star characters. As for 5-star characters, that's another story.

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Getting just one 5-star Genshin Impact character is already tough, so obtaining multiple copies requires full dedication for F2P players (or a lot of swiping for spenders). Therefore, to help Travelers make a wiser decision, here are the best 5-star Constellations that are totally worth spending on. As a note, some C6 Constellations may be overpowered, but because they're difficult to get, they won't be listed.

7 C1 Hu Tao - Crimson Bouquet

C1 Hu Tao

Hu Tao doesn't need any Constellations to shine. Her raw power is enough to bring down any boss or enemy. When using her Elemental Skill, the Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor converts a portion of her total HP into attack, allowing her to deal massive damage.

Hu Tao counts on her Charged attacks to deal most of her damage. Like any other character, however, she consumes stamina to deliver those deadly hits. Hu Tao's first Constellation nullifies the need to consume stamina when using her Charged, making her even deadlier in her Paramita Papilio State.

6 C2 Jean - People's Aegis

C2 Jean

Many players dislike the fact that they lose their pity to the Standard Banner characters (like Qiqi or Keqing). But some of these characters, like Jean, are great in their roles and can add so much to their party. The Lionfang Knight can heal, crowd control, and reduce enemies' resistance without consuming too much field time.

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Jean's second Constellation makes her one of the best supports in the game. For 15 seconds after she receives an Elemental Orb/Particle, the Acting Grandmaster buffs her whole team's movement and attack speed by 15%. This team buff easily persists through the fight since Jean will always receive Energy.

5 C2 Zhongli - Stone, The Cradle Of Jade

Zhongli from Genshin Impact

Having Zhongli is addictive. People who have him know how important he is and can't keep him away from their parties. His shield is so good, it's like playing the game on easy mode. Other than his shield, Zhongli's Elemental Burst has a short cooldown and can crowd control enemies for a few seconds, further boosting his supportive abilities.

Unfortunately like most shielders, Zhongli is ineffective in co-op for other players since he can only shield himself and can't deal enough damage. This issue is solved once players own Zhongli's second Constellation. It allows his Elemental Burst to shield the allies around him every time he casts it.

4 C2 Raiden Shogun - Steelbreaker

C2 Raiden Shogun

Raiden Shogun is a character that changes the whole style of the party once she enters it. The Electro Archon can make the whole team Burst continuously, and the more they Burst, the stronger her Elemental Burst becomes.

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When Raiden casts her Bursts, she enters Musou Isshin State for seven seconds. In this duration, the Electro Archon can deal Electro damage to her enemies. Furthermore, if players activate Raiden's second Constellation, she ignores 60% of any enemy's defense, making her an absolutely destructive force.

3 C2 Eula - Lady Of Seafoam

C2 Eula

As a Physical DPS, everything Eula does, from her Normal attack to her Elemental Burst, hits hard. When she casts her Elemental Skill, Eula can gain up to two Grimheart stacks. Once players hold her Skill, Eula will deal extra damage based on her Grimheart stacks. The Reconnaissance Captain will also reduce the enemy's Physical and Cryo Resistance.

The problem with this technique is that the hold Skill has a ten seconds cooldown. It prevents Eula from using her Skill to stack Grimheart again and forces her to count on her Elemental Burst or Normal attacks for a while.

The Spindrift Knight's second Constellation reduces her hold Skill cooldown by 6 seconds, allowing her to keep stacking without hiccups. It is also perfect if Eula was built on 4-Pale Flame since it will keep the set's buff ongoing.

2 C2 Kazuha - Yamaarashi Tailwind

kazuha battery

Kaedehara Kazuha is currently one of the most used support in Genshin Impact. Of course, that position is highly earned. This Samurai can grant a lot of utility while dealing high damage.

The sensible way to build Kazuha is by stacking as much Elemental Mastery as possible. Doing so will significantly increase his Swirl damage and the buff he gives. After triggering a Swirl reaction, for every Elemental Mastery Kazuha has, he grants a 0.04% Elemental Damage bonus. So with 1000 Elemental Mastery, it'll yield a massive 40% bonus.

With Kazuha's second Constellation, when the Samurai uses Elemental Burst, he'll further buff himself by 200 Elemental Mastery. Moreover, if other characters stay within the Burst's AOE field, they will also gain 200 extra Elemental Mastery. This enhances the team's Elemental Reaction damage while boosting Kazuha's buff at the same time.

1 C1 and C4 Childe - Foul Legacy: Tide Withholder and Abyssal Mayhem: Hydrospout

C4 Childe

Tartaglia is a master of AOE. Once he activates his Melee Stance, the more enemies he hits, the more damage he'll deal. Therefore, pairing him with a character that collects enemies in one spot is crucial. When Childe scores a Critical hit, he applies the Riptide status on an enemy. Then, a Riptide slash will occur every time Childe hits that enemy, dealing AOE damage and triggering more Riptide Slashes.

Once Tartaglia unlocks his fourth Constellation, he will trigger those Riptide Slashes passively without affecting the ones he triggered. The Eleventh Harbinger's C4 improves his style of combat to deal double the amount of damage. This is astonishing, considering how good he is in the first place.

However, the Harbinger has a massive Cooldown issue. His Elemental Skill, by far, has the longest downtime in the game, extending up to 45s. However, with proper management, players would only get a maximum of 36s. With Childe's first Constellation, this cooldown is reduced by 20%. So that 36s is bumped to around 29s.

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.

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