We have the early scoop on where to find the vendor Xur and what exotic armor and weapons he has available to Destiny players for the weekend of November 20th.

It’s the weekend, which means that the exotic vendor Xur has once again decided to visit Destiny’s social space, the Tower, and offer players a handful of exotic goodies. At this point, it’s hard to imagine too many players are dying for exotics, but there are a few items of note in Xur’s inventory. So, for those Destiny players looking to find Xur or to see what Xur has for sale, read on.

This week, players can find Xur in the southern part of the Tower, in the area known as the nightclub. Follow the path to the right after spawning in, continue down the stairs, go under the Future War Cult faction leader, and Xur should be in the very back of the long hallway. If you’re lucky, the jukebox should be playing some cool tunes to make the journey a little more exciting.

For armor, Xur has a trio of gauntlets for all three classes this week. He has the Immolation Fists, a new Titan gauntlet introduced in Destiny: The Taken King that’s geared towards the new Sunbreaker class. For Hunters, he has the Don’t Touch Me gauntlets, which are great for those players who want to get in, melee, and then get out stealthily. And for Warlocks, Xur has the Claws of Ahamkara, which…have an extra melee charge? Okay so the first two are worth recommending, but the Claws are unlikely to occupy many player’s exotic spot.

Alongside the three armor pieces, Xur has a body armor exotic engram for sale. There aren’t too many exotic body armor pieces out there, mind you, but those looking for Infusion fuel may find the engrams worth a couple dozen Strange Coins. Also, those players who have been struggling in Trials of Osiris may want to try and get the Crest of Alpha Lupi chest piece (there’s one for either Hunter or Titan), which makes revive time almost instantaneous.

For a full rundown of Xur’s items and prices see the list below:

  • Immolation Fists (Titan Gauntlets) – 13 Strange Coins
  • Don't Touch Me (Hunter Gauntlet) – 13 Strange Coins
  • Claws of Ahamkara (Warlock Gauntlet) – 13 Strange Coins
  • Exotic Body Armor Engram – 19 Strange Coins
  • Legacy Special Weapon Engram – 31  Strange Coins
  • Three of Coins – 7 Strange Coins

Overall, few Destiny players are going to come away from Xur’s inventory with a lot of items in tow. It’s been like that for a while now, but that will hopefully change soon. As Bungie revealed in their Weekly Update, Destiny will be adding new exotic items to its loot table, both completely new items for The Taken King and armor pieces/weapons that have been brought forward from Year 1. Presumably Xur will sell some of those items, so keep an eye on Game Rant for tomorrow’s reveals.

Destiny: The Taken King is out now for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.