It never stops raining in the rogue-lite city builder, Against the Storm; the player has been sent into the wilderness as the viceroy of the Queen to oversee the creation of new communities for various species, including humans, lizards, and even beavers.

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New gamers joining the world of Against the Storm might be feeling a little lost. What does it imply when people refer to "rainpunk"? Is there any way to provide the greatest level of contentment for a Queen and her people while facing the dangers of the deep forest? More importantly, what exactly is a Viceroy? All of these questions regarding Against the Storm will be answered with the help of this article.

7 Ensure The Happiness Of The Villagers

Against the Storm

The primary objective of Against the Storm is to rebuild the Smouldering City. To rebuild this city, players must first establish outlying settlements where they can gather resources. Each completed village expansion represents a "run" (like in any typical rogue-lite game). When the player successfully establishes a new city, it will become an everlasting part of the global landscape.

However, in Against the Storm, the secret to happy villagers is resolve. There are several elements that affect the attitude of villagers, and maintaining their resolve is one of the most crucial aspects of the game. A couple of ways to get resolve is by housing villagers, providing food and clothing, treatment, and hearts.

6 Don’t Get Too Attached To A Place

Against the Storm

The next step in settling into the world of rain and beavers is learning some new words, like rainpunk. Some gamers may have noticed that beavers like using rainpunk technology, and they might be curious as to why. If there's a structure and if it's being powered by a waterwheel even if it's not located near a river, then it means that the gamer has created a rainpunk building where beavers love to work at.

New players shouldn't try to juggle too many balls in the air for the first few games. In the game's well-designed tutorial, the game's core concepts and interface are introduced to the player at a lower level of difficulty. In addition, more features will be unlocked and made available to the player as they progress through the first two villages, with the third being the last frontier.

5 Unassign Workers From The Workshops

Against the Storm

Gamers should keep completed missions in their pocket for a while before redeeming them. Handing over these missions will lessen the Queen's impatience and increase the gamer's resource supply. Let the Queen's impatience rise a little before trying to calm her down; nobody wants to be stuck on the final quest when the impatience gauge nears its maximum level.

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Players shouldn't be hesitant to relocate or discharge workers, either. There is no cost for using the move button; thus, players should do it frequently (in most scenarios). It's also recommendable not to spend hours making sure everything is in its proper place; eventually, the player will have to move on to a new village.

4 Don't Spend All Upgrade Points

Against the Storm

If the gamer hasn't used all of their upgrade points before starting a new village, the game will notify them. However, the game will continue to warn them even if they don't have enough points to buy anything, so if the gamer already has everything they require, there is no need to worry about these warnings.

Furthermore, as the player goes through the game, they'll encounter a variety of events, such as emissaries sent by the Queen to provide rare resources, new settlers, and even extraordinary events.

3 Create Trade Routes

Against the Storm

There should be a button labeled Relations (Trade Routes) in the top right corner of the screen. Relations allow the gamer to create Trade Routes with the previously mentioned Smouldering City and earlier-established settlements (if they are within a certain distance).

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The player can receive a perk or delivery of specific items if they provide anything in exchange. The fees are paid on a regular basis, and the perks or resource deliveries continue coming for as long as the player can afford them; otherwise, they will be canceled for delivery.

2 Run A Farm By Humans

Against the Storm

To produce crops successfully, the gamer must have a nearby herbalist's camp or small farm that can till the soil. There will be a radius on-screen indicating where they can build the camp, which must contain tilled soil. Furthermore, to till the soil, the gamer will need to select "Farm Field" from the Food Production Menu.

These camps and farms aid in the production of grain and vegetables, which are extremely valuable resources that can be used throughout the whole game, either as a trade resource or to produce food such as bread, pie, and soup.

1 Process Food

Against the Storm action

Even if the gamer grows vegetables on their farms, they won't have enough food for the growing number of villagers in the long run. The answer here is to process the raw food and multiply it. For instance, the gamer can produce five slices of Jerky from three pieces of Meat and therefore feed more villagers. Moreover, some perks can significantly boost this ratio or maybe even produce more food as a by-product.

The player can process food like Biscuits, Stew, and Jerky in Cookhouse, Kiln, and Granary.

Against the Storm is available on Steam.

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